It's All About The Song!
Songwriters Anonymous is a regular gathering of area songwriters to showcase their work in an informal song swap format.
It's simple really, just bring your guitar (or other preferred portable instrument), your songs and stories of the inspiration behind them, and share with the group.
The format is simple: Basically it's a song circle where you take your turn in the circle, share your song and the inspiration behind it, and then it moves to the next songwriter. Then wait until it comes back around to you and go again!
Don't worry about making a mistake or trying to be perfect. This is a mistake friendly environment. There are no mistakes. Meaning, you just do what you do, no one will judge you if you forget your words, play a wrong note or chord, or sing a little off key. You are not the entertainment for the night so it's ok to just let lose, have fun, and be yourself without fear of screwing up!
This is NOT an open mic night, a critique of your work, or a competition, just a platform to share your song(s), listen and be inspired by other local songwriters.
Not for money, rankings, spins, streams, downloads, or fame, but rather just for the sake of the song.
Regardless if you are a seasoned professional, or just beginning, you are welcome.
Even if you are not a singer or a songwriter but you love music you are welcome to come listen. We just ask that you be courteous and really listen. Please don't talk loudly over those who are sharing.
Theresa Spanke and I were a part of a group like this back in Texas, and it was a great source of inspiration, encouragement, and confidence. We want to create that here in Bakersfield.
So come inspire, and be inspired!
Time and location are in the works and will be shared here soon. If you want to be a part of this new venture, simply click here and send us a note and we will keep you updated.
* Launching soon! *
Real Music @ 166
Theresa Spanke
Gary Nicholson​
Whitey Johnson
(aka Gary Nicholson)
PThe Paula Nelson Band
Carolina Story
Jessica Campbell
Encore of Eric Gales...April 19, 2013